L o a d i n g


World's first no-code nudging platform for apps
UI/UX Designer
2019 - 2022


Revamp the entire product that is currently given to clients, analyze the pain points, come up with the best intuitive product that is ultimately a zero-touch product saving time and money to the company and at the same time bringing in more business!

I was given the opportunity to team up with Uday Barla - UX Designer of Apxor and handle and re-do this entire product which has complex problems, as we go through the case study, I will define the problems and solutions step-by-step making it easier to co-relate.


1. Research

To understand the existing complex product, I started with having regular meetings with the stakeholders, developers, CSM team and also the product customers. This was to understand the product, its challenges and requirements. Since this a huge and complex product, organizing all the notes in a digital platform like notion was essential and made the work much easier.

Goals of Research

1. Understanding the existing product
2. Who are our biggest competitors?
3. Gather all the business goals of the company
4. Identify who the users are for the product
5. What are the user goals?
6. Gather the pain points of users while creating campaigns, surveys and using the product
7. Understand the steps from design, publish to analysis of a campaign

Competitor Analysis

Since Apxor is the first company to provide digital nudges on mobile applications, I started with conducting competitor analysis on similar platforms that provide the creation and analysis of campaign created. Most of the competitors analyzed are mainly providing web platform digital nudges. Although OneSignal does provide mobile support, it is only limited to push notifications. Each competitor has its own process of creating the surveys or nudges. One factor which was considered by Mixpanel was to have a demo dashboard. It was intuitive and users would get instant glance what all could be done using the product. The following table gives the high level glance of the primary and secondary competitors for apxor.

User Interviews & Personas

Knowing about the product in users point of view is an essential step to understand more about the product pros and cons. For this, I team up with a UX designer, Uday Barla from Apxor to have calls with their clients such as MyTeam11, Vedantu, CSM team and stakeholders. Most of their customers had common goal and furstations in using the apxor product. Using all the interviews, I consolidated the data and created user personas.

2. Define

From the initial research phase we understand that the main end-users for the product are product managers. I decided to define the pain point or goals of users that will serve as a guide for the future development of the product and help in determining what problems need to be solved in order to achieve the users primary goal which is to have an intuitive and functional design.
The two product business goals were mainly to make a "zero-touch product" and "provide gratification to the end-users".

Identifying the user pain points

User Flow

In order to empathize with the product user, I created user flows to better understand his/her journey interacting with the product. Putting myself in the users shoes helped me in taking a step deeper into their thoughts and decision they would make while using the product to achieving their tasks. Since the product is very complex I had to create multiple userflows to understand each module. The below flow demonstrates a high level view of the product.

3. Design & Iterations

Since the product itself is very vast, I started to work module wise. Based on the user flow and requirements, I began to draw quick hand-sketched concepts. I wanted to make sure that I included all the key findings and problem solutions that have come out of my research.

After finalizing these ideas with the client, I began to work on the wireframes to give it a digital and high fidelity structure so that it becomes more clear to the stakeholders and client team.

Style Guide

I further analyzed the theming of the Apxor website and developed a visual style guide for the product. Using this as a guide, I applied the branding to UI elements and made sure the right elements were highlighted for grabbing user’s attention. Overall, I designed a product that is aesthetically pleasing and functional from its laid-back look and feel.

Final UI Designs

After making extensive changes based on the inputs from our stakeholders and developers, I started to converting all the finalizing ideas into UI by taking the style guide as a base. The following screens show the different stages and iterations of the product by comparing it with the present dashboard and how I have also given an explanation on how I overcame the user problems.

More designs..

Over the past 2 years, I have made numerous iterations to the product to come to this final state. The following is a screenshot of the Figma file in which all the designs are sent to the client. I am surprised that the Figma file did not crash with the number of comments.

Current Status

All the designs have been provided to the development team and few modules of it have been released. The team is continously putting in efforts to launch the totally new and revamped product soon.